New Product KR releases new version of KR-CON(v.19)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,678회 작성일 21-06-14 18:23


Korean Register(KR) has released the latest updated version of KR-CON(v.19), its highly valued portable electronic database, containing almost all the International Maritime Organization’s(IMO) instruments in English and Korean.
KR-CON was first developed in 2000 and has been an enormous success with users.  Accessible via online website, mobile application, or direct from a USB, KR-CON has been updated continuously to ensure the database program holds the most recent IMO instruments.
The documents can be accessed intuitively by simply touching the screen or clicking on a mouse. The relevant regulations for a specific vessel can be quickly sorted and easily checked, which has made the program particularly valued by flag administrations and maritime industries worldwide for 20 years.
This year’s USB version includes an installation file for direct installation on a users’ PC and its software has been lightened to strengthen the stability and increase the running speed.
YOON Boo-geun, Executive Vice President of KR’s Statutory and Survey Division says: “This, the 19th version of KR-CON is even more user-friendly than previous editions with its enhanced stability and faster running speeds giving easy access to a vast range of key IMO information. We are confident that this latest version will continue to be a vital tool, supporting and assisting our customers with their fleet and vessel management. It’s widely used across the industry too, with many maritime professionals in related sectors finding it extremely useful to have all the statutory regulations and IMO notices in one place, easily searchable and regularly updated.”
KR-CON(v19) includes the meeting documents, resolutions, and circulars from the IMO meetings held in 2020, such as the 102nd session of the MSC(Maritime Safety Committee) and the 75th session of the MEPC(Marine Environment Protection Committee) which introduces amendments to conventions such as SOLAS and MARPOL, in each case the documents adopted afterwards will be continuously updated.

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