Business News Venlys Appoints RTG Communications as Asian Representative

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,124회 작성일 19-12-23 13:51


VENLYS Maritime Specialisation Services, a leading provider for safety culture/climate mapping and assessment, as well as training for ‘Safety at Sea’ and ‘Resilience, Mental Health and Well being’ to the shipping industry, has appointed RTG Communications as its agent in Asia.

Hong Kong-based RTG Communications, with 18 years in the maritime communications sector in Asia, will deliver a broad range of safety training for Venlys’ shipping clients in the region.
“We are delighted to appoint RTG Communications as the VENLYS’ representative in Asia, as more of our owners are looking to enhance their safety training for their managers, officers and crew based in the region,” said Katerina Skourtanioti, Managing Director of VENLYS Maritime Specialisation services.

“As the shipping industry looks to improve its safety awareness and readiness in line with new IMO regulations and guidelines, it is important that owners, officers, crew and landside operations personnel are well trained and prepared,” she added.

Russ Green, Managing Director of RTG Communications said: “We are looking forward to working with clients in Asia to provide them with VENLYS world-class maritime safety mapping and assessment and customised training programs.”



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